Enterprise Architecture (EA)

Few organisations have afforded themselves the luxury of developing a fully functional Enterprise Architecture as more tactical issues tend to grab scarce project resources. This tactical focus does not mean that organisation have not past first base with regard to their Enterprise Architectures, as remnants of the Business Architecture exist having been developed organically. The main difference being that a complete listing of all enterprise remnants was not the objective so the business is left with a patchwork of detail normally held in multiple formats.

What is often required is a framework and structure to pull these valuable corporate assets together into one single repository, to fill in the gaps, map the dependencies and present the Architecture back to the users in such a way that the business can interact with the Enterprise Model on a daily basis to aid communication, training and to assess the impact of potential change.

Transform Associates network of Associates can boast a significant number of ‘Thought Leaders’ within this discipline who can guide and manage an Enterprise Architecture Programme from the concept stages through to business integration.